Conservation Green Burial Area Conservation Green Burial Area
About Us
Acceptance of Bodies
Deceased persons shall not be embalmed or topically treated with sprays or compounds, unless with non-toxic products approved by the Green Burial Council.

Bodies accepted for burial shall be wrapped in a shroud, quilt, or blanket, and/or placed in a burial container. Clothing is optional. All materials used shall conform to the standards set forth in the Burial Containers guidelines.
Right of Refusal
In order to protect and maintain the integrity and intent of the Conservation Green Burial area, the management of Preble Memory Gardens Cemetery reserves the right to refuse the burial of any decedent for non-compliance of the “Standards for Burial” as required in these guidelines.

Failure to comply with Burial Standards will result in the denial of a burial space in the Conservation Green Burial Area of Preble Memory Gardens Cemetery.